Brand Value Alignment through Dual Career project reaches next phase
22. February 2023

Brand Value Alignment through Dual Career project reaches next phase

Roma Tre University hosted the first in-person meeting between the Brand Value Alignment through Dual Career (BRAVA) project partners in Rome from the 20th until the 22nd of February 2023.The main outcomes of the meeting were to finalize the concept mapping process and examine the results of the analysis of employees’ statements to identify the..
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BRAVA partners continue the research phase
19. September 2022

BRAVA partners continue the research phase

The Brand Value Alignment through Dual Career (BRAVA) project aims to enhance the workplace environment for dual career athletes and coaches, in order for their skills to be recognised and effectively accommodated. As part of the project, additional research on the topic is being coordinated by the university partners of this Erasmus+..
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Summer online partners meeting
30. July 2022

Summer online partners meeting

The third virtual meeting of the Erasmus+ project Brand Values Alignment through Dual Career (BRAVA) was held online on June 30, developing guidelines for employment sector, related to engagement and employment of dual career athletes and sport professionals.The project consortium is lead by the University of Limerick, partnering with the European..
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January online BRAVA partners meeting
28. January 2022

January online BRAVA partners meeting

Partners of the Erasmus+ project BRAVA on Dual Career and Corporate Social Responsibility met online on Friday, January 28, setting next steps of the 3-year initiative.Project partners first discussed the work already done, and the analysis and collected information. Already in the research phase, the project has been promoted by the partners, as..
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September online BRAVA partners meeting
30. September 2021

September online BRAVA partners meeting

Partners of the BRAnd Value Alignment through Dual Career - BRAVA project met online for a second meeting on September 29, 2021. It was the opportunity for all partners to exchange ideas, present the work done and the steps to come.The lack of existing projects linking Dual Career and Corporate Social Responsibility was once more highlighted during..
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